Massive request along multiple paths

Preferred endpoint for massive requests (thousands to millions locations along multiple paths)

Massive Request

POST<service URL>

A post request along with an attached file. The file must be a geojson of lines in EPSG:3857, must be named 'lines.geojson' and encoded in UTF8. Tested performance: ~ 1 million points in ~ 1 minute. Note: ~ 30 seconds base time. Use standard requests for a small sample size.

Path Parameters




File containing the paths

    'type': 'FeatureCollection',
    'name': 'snow_depth_alps',
    'crs': {'type': 'name', 'properties': {'name': 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::3857'}},
    'features': [
            'type': 'Feature',
            'id': '0',
            'properties': {
                'snow_depth': [21, 29, ...],
                'units': 'cm'
            'geometry': {
                'type': 'LineString',
                'coordinates': [[806372.4103808167, 5649885.906446901], ...]

Last updated